Welcome to the Mystics Council. You are here for a reason. We believe that you are one of the people who is destined to bring positive change to the transformation of this world. We see our purpose in supporting your journey as a hero with all the mystical knowledge we have been trained and practiced for decades. We are ready to serve the highest good to help you identify energy blocks, clear the path for your inner self-mastery, facilitate alignment with your mission by boosting your energy flow and providing clarity, and making sure you can reach long-term results and protect your state of embodying your purpose in your everyday life.
First, we will address the questions that you might have in the areas of Health, Relationships, and Money (business/project/investment). We will conduct an energy-informational diagnosis of your current energy state, and address the challenges you might be experiencing so that the best possible solutions and high-level distant energy work can be provided.
It is very helpful if you already have certain questions/challenges that you want to address or areas of life you would like us to help you improve. It will give a focus during the diagnosis and bring more valuable insights. It is also perfectly fine if you don’t have specific questions. A lot of questions often reveal themselves during the diagnosis and in the process of the intensive program.
What are you without your health? Some people neglect the importance of physical health when they dive too deep into manifesting ideas they want to bring to life. With time, they are often reminded about the importance of keeping the body intact. The true cause of most, if not all, sicknesses of the human body (including accidents) lies on the energy-informational level. Health issues frequently caused by a hit on the energy level: stress, trauma, etc., ancestral negative programs that have been hunting your lineages for many decades, unresolved issues from previous incarnations, or failure to harmoniously fit into the current rapidly changing reality, just to name a few.
One of the most popular types of energy diagnosis and work is relationships. How to meet a partner you need (romantic or business), save relationships that are falling apart, or take the existing ones to the next level. Through various energy work tools, it is possible to reveal what role each person in the relationship/team is playing and what are the expectations of the other party, so that well-informed and wise decisions can be made. It includes various types of relationships – business (investors, clients, business partners, peers, etc.), romantic or family (children parents, relatives, etc.).
Money is energy and it is vital to be in tune with the financial energy flow. Certain energy blocks or stagnation can have a destructive negative influence on your financial situation and business opportunities. Diagnosis (as well as further advanced energy work) can reveal the true causes of issues you are experiencing in your business so that they can be addressed, leading to the expansion of the financial resources/wealth needed to realize your purpose. This field of diagnosis can also help identify the true intentions and emotions of your business partners, investors, and clients. Knowing the minds of people you work with, understanding the true potential and energy dynamics of your team can be the magic sauce of your success in business.
Diagnoses and advanced energy practices can also be related to energy clearing of properties/assets/objects. Some places have very negative vibes (a house, an office, etc) and it could be harmful to your health, business, or personal life. It may also be very difficult to sell or buy a property that is haunted by past events or spirits.
Then there are what may seem hard-to-explain, spooky, paranormal, or out-of-this-world events. Mystics Council is always ready to offer its experience in finding the right solution to anything related to mystic knowledge, occult, and advanced energy practices.
Duration: 3 weeks
intro call 30min & initial evaluation (week 1)
diagnosis report call 60min & distant energy work (week 2)
follow-up call 60min & result evaluation (week 3)
The intensive program will include:
Payment options are available upon request: Revolut, US/EU Bank account transfer
Payment options are available upon request: Revolut, US/EU Bank account transfer
Payment options are available upon request: Revolut, US/EU Bank account transfer
Through the guidance and energy work of the Mystics Council, you can fully align yourself to your life’s mission/purpose and have a clear action plan leading you toward the realization of your full potential.
Side effects of the intensive program may also include feeling fully charged with the energy of life, better sleep patterns, meaningful life-changing insights, and moving closer to manifesting of your true desires. The program is designed to transform your life experience for the better, attract new opportunities, and increase your overall well-being.